« Bridal Shower Favors: Part One |
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Well. I survived.
I survived a 1st birthday party with more kids in one house than I thought could actually fit.
For those of you who don't know, me and small children aren't really friends. Now, my high school band kids? They rock. Small children that scream for no reason whatsoever? Not cool.
BUT. This was for my T-girl, the daughter of one of my good friends from high school. She turned 1 last Friday, and her party was on Saturday.
There is one good thing about shopping for babies: babygap. Oh, yes. babygap. Here's a fun tidbit to know and tell: I once worked for Gapkids/babygap. Yep. I was the denim/khaki specialist, and could make those walls and walls of denim and khakis just look perfect and pristine. I was that crazy person with a cart and piles and piles of denim stacked around me, folding away like Rainman. Touch my perfect wall of denim and you lost a hand. Sometimes I'd be nice and I'd let you get away with only losing a few fingers.
I digress.
babygap. T-girl.
Another fantastic place to be when you're shopping for baby gifts: Pottery Barn Kids. Oh man. At one point, they had The Grinch sheets. GRINCH. SHEETS. If you are unaware with my complete and total obsession with Dr. Seuss, particularly The Grinch That Stole Christmas, go to this post where I freak out only slightly about fabric I bought.
Ok. So, my shopping consisted of one item from babygap (because omg i couldn't resist) and one item from Pottery Barn Kids. Again, couldn't resist. I wanted to get her something else, but nothing was hitting me.
Then, I thought to myself, "Self. Why buy something when you can MAKE something????"
I mean, really.
I have the tools, an amazing craft room, and a sewing machine. I'm totes making something.
I switched it up a bit, and I decided that nothing said "baby" like a cute quilted pattern.

OOOOOMG. How adorbs is this????!??!!!?! This turned out so daggone cute!!

OK!!! I did the same type of sham back covering, so Katie can take the pillow out and wash it every so often, along with the cover itself.

So. Darn. C-U-T-E. Cricut owners: you can cut fabric with your Cricut!!! The possibilities are endless when you have a die cutter that can cut your fabric into shapes!!!
Once I figure out the precise combination of speed and pressure, it'll be wonderful, that is. This time around, I couldn't get it to make clean cuts on the fabric, so I cut paper and traced it on the fabric.
Moving on....since you're all supposed to believe that I'm absolutely perfect at everything....
This is the birthday card I made for the occasion --

Cute, amiright?? I love that birthday cake. It's so...slanted....and it looks delicious. Actually, now that I think about it, I think I showed you guys this pic already. Wow. I'm losing my damn mind. Huh. Well, there's the card. Again. ("Yeah, thanks, Jack. We saw this already. Aren't you doing anything new and innovative in your craft room??? Sheesh.")
Patience, peeps. There is much going on in my craft room, I just can't show you all the deets yet. Somewhere aroundabout 23 April I should be able to show you more. But not before then. Well, not anything that I've been feverishly working on, anyways.
Until tomorrow...or the weekend....whenever I have something supercool to show you (like the chipboard album I made last night -- keep an eye on that Instagram feed on the top left of my blog -- you'll find pics there that don't always make it to the blog right away....and it updates almost once a day....just sayin'......).
Much love to all of you, my crazy crafting & stitching friends!
~~~ J