Hello all you lovely people!
I am finally back to the land of the living (albiet barely) after being really sick all of last week. My apologies to all of you who have been anxiously waiting for me to announce the winner of my giveaway which closed last Wednesday.
I thought it would be fun to have you all watch a lil' video of me drawing the winner, so guess what?! That's precisely what I did!
And then....YouTube was being a pain and I lost my patience.
So...instead of the lovely video I had planned for you all, I had to resort to a picture taken from the stills of the video --
MrsCourtneyP! Congratulations! Email me your address so I can ship this out to you ASAP! :-)
You can see the jar in the background where I had everyone's names who left me a comment on the post (or sent me an email).
THANK YOU ALL for participating!!! I hope to have another giveaway very soon....because I love making stuff....and I love giving it away :-)
Much love ~~~