Hello all you loverly people! I just wanted to do a quick little post about a book signing I went to this past Sunday.
For those of you who are unaware, I LOVE to bake. Love it. I can't eat most of what I make, however, because I have to eat gluten-free, but I love to bake for everyone else. I get just as much joy from watching everyone enjoy what I make as they do eating the fruits of my labor.
One of my favorite things to bake? Christmas cookies. And btdubs, that time of year is RAPIDLY approaching.
One of my good friends at work, and a baking buddy, introduced me to this fabulous thing called a cake ball. Holy sweet jeebus are these concoctions DEEEELISH.
Well guess what. I met Ms. Cake Pop herself, Bakerella. She came to Williams & Sonoma in King of Prussia on Sunday to sign her new book, Cake Pops Holidays.
Now, I'm new to this cake ball/pop scene, but these designs look aaaadorbs, and I definitely have to try some for foodie gifts this Christmas (gift spoiler alert! haha!)
Here's me with Bakerella ~~
She was SO gracious and kind and sweet. I absolutely loved her. I hope to make her proud with the desgins I choose this to make in about a month!! She's amazingly creative, and to do what she does with cake balls? Crazysauce.
After her signing (she sat with each and every person, signed their book, and chatted for a few minutes with everyone. Seriously. SO SWEET.)
Then, she did a Q&A ~~
It was a fabulous Sunday in King of Prussia :-)
THANK YOU, Bakerella, for coming to Williams & Sonoma here in the Philly area!!! It was so, so wonderful to meet you!