Well, I'm already a little behind, but that's ok. I have photos mapped out for yesterday and today, so at least I'm on track to being somewhat up-to-date.
Here's Day 2: I spent the bulk of the night sewing a nursing cover for my sister. I promised her one as part of her baby shower gift, and was so busy getting other things ready for the shower, this project was a victim of me running out of time.
While I sewed, I had "Charlie Brown Christmas" on tv in my bedroom. Somehow, I always miss the airing of this special every year, but my mom reminded me, so I put it on while I worked, AND set my DVR. I refused to miss it this year! I found this printable of Linus's speech, which I resized to 5x7, and put in a 5x7 Project Life protector. Perfect addition to the day, and a reminder of one of my all-time favorite Christmas specials.
So, that's Day 2.
I also changed my cover page - I didn't like the 4x6 I originally had in there.
There's a moose now. Much better.