I normally don't do this, but it's been so long since I've done a stitch post (or really any post for that matter....where does the time go??) that I wanted to share this with you.
In the past, when I've stitched a gift, I wait until it's framed and given to the recipient to show pics of it so that it remains a surprise. This time, though, I'm sharing the final stitched piece, but it's not totally done - it still needs to be framed.
A couple years ago, one of my friends had her first baby, and I offered to stitch her something to mark the occasion. I offered to stitch a graph I already had, unless there was something specific she wanted me to do. She sent me an Irish blessing that she loved, and asked if I could stitch that for her. I searched high and low for a pattern with this blessing, but to no avail. So, I had to graph it myself and then stitch it. I found a Celtic alphabet and went to work.
Fast forward to this past year when my sister was going to have her first baby. Of course, I offered to stitch her something for the baby, and asked her if there was something specific she wanted. She came to me one day at work (we used to work together before I moved) and asked if I could stitch the same Irish blessing that I did for Erin. The only difference is that she didn't want the baby's name on it (I had personalized the one for Erin's daughter), but just wanted the blessing so she could hang it in the nursery all the time.
This weekend I'll be taking it to the framer, so I'll do a future post of it completed.
I hope you love this as much as I do :-)