How. the hell. did we arrive at 17 January already?
No, seriously. I feel like it was twelve seconds ago I was posting about doing a December Daily (which, HAHAHAHAHA....ahhhhhhh......i had such high hopes for everything i wanted to make this christmas season......), and then, poof! It's mid-January.
How was your Christmas? Your New Year's? Mine were good. NYE was spent curled up on the couch in leggings and legwarmers (seriously, you guys, you know you're jealous of my legwarmers. AND my mom got me new ones for Christmas. SCORE.), hot water with lemon in hand, watching Kathy Griffin make Anderson Cooper unbelievably uncomfortable all night.
A while back, I posted some snips of a secret stitching project I was doing; it was a Christmas gift for my mom. Since it's no to secret anymore, I can show the pics of the finished piece.
This is "Count Your Blessings" by Heartstring Samplery. White Christmas is hands-down my favorite Christmas movie. You can have your It's a Wonderful Life, Holiday Inn, Christmas in Connecticut, Christmas Vacation (although that one does come in a close second...." 'Why is the floor all wet, TODD??' 'I don't know, MARGO.' "), and A Christmas Story. I'll take White Christmas any day of the week. The Old Crooner, Rosie, Vera Ellen dancing her ass off, Danny Kaye being ridiculous, I love it all. And Edith Head's costuming! To die.
Moving on.
Us girls in the fam used to watch White Christmas together after mass on Christmas Eve, and then head to bed. This piece uses the lyrics from one of the songs in the movie, "Count Your Blessings", to create this lovely sampler.
If you've been following me for a while, you know I'm not a huge fan of traditional samplers. Not sure why, I'm just not. Quaker samplers are a different story. They're A LOT of work, but I love stitching the different motifs and the work is totally worth it in the end. I have, however, developed an appreciation for reproduction samplers, and when stitched, they're stunning. To think that girls as young as 7 years old made those samplers with no pattern to follow is incredible. This small sampler captures the feel of those traditional samplers, complete with a flower and vine border, without being too overwhelming, if that makes any sense at all.
I'm slightly partial to those scissors....
And the tiered cake...
I've been working on so many different things lately, I almost can't keep up with myself. I have a few secret projects I'm working on, plus a couple things for myself (believe it or not), so this winter hibernation period will hopefully be very productive. Hopefully. I plan on being better this year about sharing my WIPs and other stuff I'm doing, so here's hoping I can remember to carve out the time to do just that.
What are you guys working on? Have you started any new projects with the new year?
Happy Sunday, friends! Here's to a wonderful long weekend!