YOU GUYS. It's been like, foreverandaday.
I mean, what have you guys even been up to????? I was on travel for work two weeks ago in sunny CA, then off to San Antonio and the Riverwalk where the best people watching occurs, then back to frigid DC.
Thank God it appears that spring has finally arrived (it's 80 degrees today!) because, I'm legit
I brought my Joy sampler with me on travel....and didn't realize till I got it out to stitch that I left 99.9% of the threads I needed on my dining room table. Sooo helpful when I need some stitch therapy.
When I got home, I did some serious stitching on my Raven Queen and Joy much that I FINISHED the Joy sampler!!
Oh, and PS btdubs, I miraculously have been able to read on planes - I can't even explain how much less painful this makes traveling for me. I usually get motion sickness SO BAD I just about throw up everything I've eaten over the past week by simply walking down the gate to the plane. Forget takeoffs and landings. But, over the last year, it's been glorious. I just make sure I get some Coke when the flight attendants come down the aisle, and I'm good. Can you outgrow motion sickness as a grown woman?? Who the heck knows, but I think it happened. At least, that's what I'm telling myself. I probably just jinxed myself now, and next time I have to fly, I'll want to die.
Anyways. So on the flights to LAX...then to SAT....then home....I got out my trusty nook glowlight and read After Alice by my beloved Gregory Maguire, who wrote Wicked and the three sequels. I LOVED Wicked and its sequels. Loved. The musical? Forget it. My friend Matt and I lost our minds watching that show on Broadway. So good.
However........ I HAAAAAAATED his other books that take fairy tales and twist them sideways. The Ugly Stepsister? Awful. Mirror, Mirror? Horrendous. When I saw he wrote a book based on Alice In Wonderland, I thought....this could be awesome....or this could make me want to slice my wrists the right way for wasting time on a terrible book.
Such high hopes.
Like, awful. I literally have no words other than awful to describe how awful it was. Even worse, I wasted hours of my life reading the damn thing cover to cover. I kept saying, "it's gonna get better. All this chasing after Alice to find her through the looking glass? They'll find her and it'll continue into an even better adventure in Wonderland."
I won't spoil the storyline in case any of you would like to read this book, but I am not happy I wasted my time. (insert angry emoji with furrowed brows here)
But Christmas! And Quaker samplers! And manger scenes! Yay!

I am seriously so in love with this sampler. Ever since I finished Songs of the Season II, I've been obsessed with the Quaker style samplers. You all know I have no love for regular samplers, but these are a horse of a different color.
I mean, how can you not love the fact that the letters of the word "Joy" are the basis for the manger scene?!

Fun fact: those letters took forrrrevvvverrrrrrrrrrrrrrr to stitch because, you know, 40 count.

I'm not totally sold on how I stitched my initials and the date. I wanted it to kinda be invisible, like part of the piece, rather than draw your eye to my signature. I'll leave it for now....I might change it......who knows.....
But....anyways. Next up: The Three Wisemen.